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Month: February 2020

Be more beautiful every day, naturally.

Many of us aspire to look our best every day and the good news is that natural beauty is something that can be cultivated simply by taking good care of ourselves and making some positive lifestyle choices.

Promoting smooth, radiant skin is one way to make a big difference to your overall appearance. The skin is, after all, our body’s largest organ and the first thing most people will see.

Here are six good habits to foster, if you would like to up your natural beauty factor.


1. Keep your skin well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water

Increasing your water intake helps to hydrate and plump your skin, in turn reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and large pores. Drinking plenty of water also improves blood flow, which can help give your skin a healthy glow and helps to flush away harmful toxins. Ideally, we should aim to be drinking 8 to 10 glasses of throughout the day. Find out how to drink more water here.

2. Get plenty of beauty sleep

It’s no myth that getting seven to eight hours of sleep each night can help us look our best. Research has confirmed that insufficient or poor quality sleep leads to reduced skin elasticity, more fine lines and bags under the eyes, weight gain, thinning hair, and breakouts. We’ve written some tips for getting more beauty sleep here.

3. Protect your skin by applying sunscreen every morning and throughout the day

Sunscreen doesn’t just help to protect you from skin cancer, but can also slow down the ageing process by preventing and reducing pigmentation, fine lines and sun damage. Sunscreen is also believed to help maximise the skin’s own healing mechanisms, thereby helping to reverse existing sun damage. Be sure to slip, slop, slap every morning and at regular intervals throughout the day.

4. Nourish your skin with a healthy diet

What you eat is extremely important for your skin. The best diet for achieving a healthy, radiant glow is one rich in red, green and yellow vegetables as well as foods that are packed with plenty of omega 3 fatty acids such as salmon, chia seeds, flaxseed and walnuts. Read about four dietary changes that can help reduce acne here.

5. Pamper yourself with a rejuvenation treatment regularly.

Just like servicing your car or tending to your garden, maintaining beautiful skin requires some upkeep and TLC. Booking yourself in for a regular rejuvenation treatment will help you to look and feel your best. Our cutting-edge treatments can assist with common skin concerns such as sun damaged skin, unwanted pigmentation and freckles, poor skin tone, fine lines and wrinkles, dehydrated skin, reduced elasticity, scarring and small facial veins.

The best way to determine the rejuvenation treatment that’s right for you, is to book in with our friendly team for a consultation


These small daily habits can make a huge difference to your appearance; especially when used in combination with good quality skin care products and the occasional pampering.

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