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3 Tips for Reducing Downtime After a Cosmetic Procedure

Cosmetic Treatments can help you feel like your most confident self. However, more complex procedures such as platelet rich plasma, threads and fillers, can require a little downtime before you’ll look your absolute best.

Bruising is common after some cosmetic treatments, especially if they involve the eye, lip or neck areas.  These are our top 3 tips for reducing downtime associated with cosmetic treatments:

1. Tell your treating doctor what medications or supplements you’re taking

Some prescription and treatments and non-prescription supplements can increase your likelihood of bruising.  These include simple remedies suxh as:

  • Vitamin E
  • Omega 3
  • Horse radish
  • St John’s Wort; and
  • Gingko biloba

It may be best to stop taking these 10 days prior to a cosmetic procedure but we would recommend speaking to your treating doctor also for individual advice.

2. Be proactive in preventing bruising

Some people have found the homeopathic remedy Arnica useful in reducing swelling and bruising, if taken a few days before and after their treatment.

3.  Actively treat established bruising

After your procedure, hirudoid cream may help any established bruising to resolve more quickly. As soon as you suspect that you have bruised following a cosmetic treatment, begin applying hirudoid cream to affected areas every eight to 12 hours.

Additinally, please plan ahead and allow at least 10 days between your treatment and any special event to ensure you will look your best.


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