07 4775 5664

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70 Mooney Street, Gulliver

Queensland Australia 4812

A non-surgical lift for tired, saggy eyes

What is Jett Plasma and How Does it Work?

The Jett Plasma Lift uses a revolutionary hot plasma treatment to stimulate the skin’s cell membranes, rehydrating the skin and making it firmer.

This creates an immediate tightening and production of collagen that helps to ‘lift’ droopy eyelids and reduce the appearance of deep lines and wrinkles.

Because the Jett Plasma uses heat on treatment areas, it can cause some temporary discomfort. For eye and lip treatments, your doctor may inject a local anaesthetic for comfort; a topical anaesthetic is usual sufficient for all other treatments.

Jett Plasma is a medical device that can only be operated by trained health professionals.

What Concerns Can Jett Plasma Treat

Jett Plasma has been found to reduce the appearance of:

  • ‘Sagginess’in the upper and lower eye areas
  • Shallow and deep wrinkles
  • Lip lines and smile lines
  • Acne scars
  • Scars
  • Pigmented spots (doctor clearance required prior)
  • Non-cancerous growths
  • Small protuberances

What Happens After the Procedure?

Since Jett Plasma procedures slight redness and crusting of the skin, daily aftercare is essential. The recovery time may vary from patient to patient, depending on how aggressive the treatment is and how well the skin is looked after prior to treatment.
If at any time you are concerned about the healing of the area treated, be sure to contact us at the clinic.

The following high standards of hygiene must be implemented at all times:

  • Wash hands thoroughly before gently washing and or moisturising the treated skin area
  • Wash treated area using only lukewarm water and a gentle cleanser with no active ingredients for 5 days post op.
  • Avoid direct sun exposure to treated area for 72 hours post
  • Avoid any active skin care in treated area for 48 hours post
  • Avoid any retinol in area for 10 days post
  • Try to avoid touching the treated area as much as possible
  • At all times avoid scratching, picking and feeling the skin as this may result in scarring or infection
  • Do not apply makeup to treated area for 48 hours post treatment
  • Avoid strenuous exercise or anything that may make you perspire in the first 48 hours
  • Avoid alcohol for 24 hours post
  • For pain take paracetamol (Panadol) but only the recommended dose.
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