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70 Mooney Street, Gulliver

Queensland Australia 4812

A clinical approach to reveal your best skin

Types of Injectables:

Dermal Fillers:

As we age our underlying bone structure changes and skin volume decreases, causing the cheek and jowl areas to start to droop so that permanent lines and wrinkles gradually develop.

Deeper robust fillers can lift and round the cheeks, straighten the jawline, fill the marionette lines and support deeper lax ligaments giving a more youthful appearance.

Softer fillers can help lift the corners of the mouth, fill hallows under the eyes, increase the fullness of lips and reduce unwanted superficial lines or wrinkles.

Depending on the filler used, the site and the depth of the injection, the results can last between 6 and 18 months.

Though the effect can be seen immediately there may be associated redness, swelling or bruising that could last for several days.

Dermal fillers are ideal for:

  • Lip fillers
  • Smile lines 

Anti-wrinkle injections

Anti-wrinkle injections (or muscle relaxant injections) are one of the main advances in the treatment of the ageing face. Anti-wrinkle injections are used for a broad range of aesthetic conditions, most notably to treat and prevent wrinkles.

Anti-wrinkle injections are ideal for:
  • Crow’s feet
  • Frown and forehead lines
  • Upper lip lines
  • Wrinkles around the neck
  • Lines around the nose
  • Dimpling in the chin
  • Droopy eyelids
  • Wrinkles on the décolletage

Bio-remodelling treatment

Skin bio-remodelling is an injectable treatment containing one of the highest concentrations of hyaluronic acid available, specially tailored for people experiencing skin sagging or volume loss. Bio-remodelling injections not only plump and fill wrinkles but also provide a slow-release of hyaluronic acid to stimulate collagen and elastin production, which improves skin tone and hydration, resulting in healthier, rejuvenated appearance.

Collagen stimulating treatment

Achieve tighter and plumper skin with results improving over several weeks.

Collagen stimulating injectables help to replenish lost facial collagen, which gives skin support and structure. These injectables subtly and gradually help to restore facial volume, erase deep folds in the face, and smooth out wrinkles and lines to achieve seamless, plump, and healthy-looking skin.

Fat-dissolving injections

Lipodissolve fat-dissolving injections help to remove small, stubborn fat deposits in various areas of the body. Rather than acting as a weight loss tool, the procedures uses fat-dissolving injections to contour and sculpt areas of the body which typically hold small, localised pockets of fat. The injections are a safe, non-surgical way to eliminate fat deposits and benign lipomas without surgery.
*In select locations only.

‘Liquid gold’ therapy 

‘Liquid Gold’ therapy is a ground-breaking non-surgical procedure for facial and skin rejuvenation. The treatment uses your own blood platelets to stimulate new cell growth, improve your skin texture and restore lost facial volume through the growth factors that blood platelets are known to contain. A small sample of your blood is processed in a specialised system designed to extract the plasma which is then injected into the areas that require tissue remodelling and rejuvenation.

PDO Threads

Target lax, crepey skin on your face and stimulate collagen turnover. PDO threads are ideal for smoothing skin around the cheeks, neck, jowls, crow’s feet, tear-troughs, and peri-oral areas to undo the effects of gravity, with minimal downtime compared to surgery.

Steroid injections for keloid scars & acne cysts

Corticosteroids can be safely injected into raised keloid scars and acne cysts to effectively smooth away imperfections and leave you with an even, blemish-free complexion. Steroid injections for scars and acne cysts provide an anti-inflammatory effect for your skin and help to relieve pain and shrink the scar tissue and swollen acne nodules.

Discover Muscle Relaxants

Discover Dermal Fillers

Discover Superficial Fillers // Mesotherapy

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