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Tag: Skincare and Wellbeing

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How Skincare is Connected to Wellbeing

Many of us may assume that skincare is only an aesthetic practice. However, a good skincare regimen has the potential to offer you a range of benefits that will boost your wellbeing. 

Better skin can help you look better but more importantly can make you feel better. Read on to discover how your skincare routine can create a meaningful difference in your life. 

The Brain-Skin Connection

Have you ever noticed why your cheeks go red when you feel embarrassed? This is because your brain and nervous system have a direct impact on the skin’s immune cells through various chemical messengers and receptors that respond to stress, anxiety, and other emotions.

Negative emotions such as stress and anxiety can have a direct impact on the quality of your skin. This is because how you feel relates to the way your body reacts. As such, the act of practicing a regular skincare routine will help instil the thought that you are giving your skin the care it needs. The mental association that ‘good skin will improve your mindset’ will help to connect your skincare routine with positive emotions. As a result, maintaining a regular skincare routine works to create a cycle that not only improves both your skin’s appearance but also your inner wellbeing. 

Skincare is SELF CARE

Having a consistent daily skincare routine is a great way to practice self-care. By taking a moment from your day to cleanse and moisturise your skin, you are dedicating your time and complete attention to yourself. 

More than this, your skincare routine can also do wonders for your mental health. A daily regimen works to provide structure, stability, and structure into your week. If everything else seems out of control and stressful in your life, it’s a few minutes set aside to spend some time on you. 

Your daily skin routine also creates a time to practice mindfulness, which enables you to focus your thoughts on the present moment. According to research, mindfulness has been known to be linked to regulating emotions and reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Keep Your Skin Nourished with The Right Ingredients

Your skincare routine will achieve the best results when paired with good nutrition and regular exercise. Foods such as broccoli, spinach, avocados, and sweet potatoes are packed with plenty of antioxidants that will not only help to revitalise the skin but also combat the visible signs of aging. 

Antioxidants offer a range of benefits to your skin including:

  • Works to neutralise free radical production
  • Contains anti-inflammatory properties that prevent sun damage and enable your skin to correct visible damage. 
  • Helps to brighten skin tone by stimulating melanin production.

Combining a balanced diet with regular exercise will help to get your blood pumping around the body. This helps to deliver the essential nutrients to the skin’s surface, which accelerates the healing process of your skin. When you work up a sweat this helps to flush out all the dirt and oils from the skin and keep your skin looking clear and bright. 

Exercise also releases feel-good hormones like endorphins that regulate the stress hormone, cortisol that is responsible for oil production and inflammation. 

Drink Plenty of Water

‘Keep hydrated’ may seem like overused advice but this is for good reason! Ensuring your skin is properly hydrated is a vital step in maintaining healthy and glowing skin. 

Without sufficient water intake, skin can appear duller, and your wrinkles, spots and pores can appear more prominent. Hydration helps to make your skin appear plumper and boosts elasticity, which means it’s less likely to produce spots and blemishes. 

Drinking at least 8 glasses a day will help to flush out the toxins in your body, unclog pores and keep your skin moisturised. 

At Skinovation Cosmetic Clinic we believe in the holistic approach to skincare. If you would like to discover a skincare regimen that is best suited to your individual needs, please book with one of our trained nurses by calling us on 4775 5664 or click here.

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