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Author: Helena Rosengren

Dr Helena Rosengren is the medical director of Skinovation Cosmetic Clinic. She is passionate about using her medical experience and meticulous attention to detail to provide exceptional cosmetic results for her clients.
Causes for hair Loss in Women

Causes of Hair Loss in Women

Hair loss isn’t just for the men

No. Unfortunately for we women, Mother Nature decided menopause wasn’t bad enough and threw hair loss into the bargain as well.  In fact, women are almost as likely to experience thinning hair or hair loss as men.

While men typically notice hair loss in the form of bald spots or a receding hair line, women will notice the overall volume of our hair declining. Perhaps you no longer have that big, thick ponytail you used to, or your hair is becoming increasingly flat and lifeless.


Most women experiencing hair loss will find it’s age-related, generally beginning as they reach their 50s or 60s. However, there are many causes of hair loss including:

Child birth
Excessive hair loss after child birth is not unusual. It’s typically caused by your estrogen levels dropping and often happens about three months after the arrival of your new bub. Typically, birth-related hair loss is temporary and your body’s rate of shedding hair will return to normal when your hormones balance out in about 9 to 12 months.

Stress or anxiety
Stress and anxiety can place enormous strain on the body and often this will present itself in the form of hair loss. If you’ve experienced a stressful event, it may be followed by temporary hair loss a few months later. However, if you experience anxiety, hair loss can be a long-term issue that you may require a treatment plan for.

Major operations
General anaesthesia and major operations can put your body under considerable stress, which sometimes alters the life cycle of your hair. This disruption to the regular turnover of your lovely locks may be visible as hair loss or thinning hair a few months after your procedure, but will generally return to normal.

Illness and health conditions
Many illnesses including thyroid disease, diabetes and anaemia can cause hair loss and thinning. The underlying cause for hair loss will vary from condition to condition, but if it’s a long-term illness or health condition, it’s likely your hair loss will be long-term as well. The good news is that we can develop a treatment plan to address this, after running some tests.

Certain medications
Blood thinners, vitamin A supplements, some arthritis drugs, antidepressants, gout medication, medication for certain heart problems, blood pressure medication, and birth control pills, and other prescription medications can all cause hair loss. Your regular doctor may be able to describe an alternative, but if not, hair loss treatment could be beneficial for you.

Unfortunately, hereditary hair loss typically requires a long-term treatment plan, but there are ways that we can help you to significantly slow the hair loss or thinning process.

What we eat – or don’t eat – plays a huge role in determining what our body looks like on the outside. If your body is lacking important proteins, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients; you may start to notice hair loss in as little as two or three months. The good news is that this can be easily rectified with some adjustments to your diet.

Harsh hair products and the way you brush or dry your hair
Sometimes the cause of hair loss is this simple! Nasty chemical products, heated appliances and aggressive brushing can all lead to hair loss, although this is generally breakage due to brittle hair rather than shedding.


The causes of hair loss are many and varied. However, if you’re eager to stop or slow your hair loss, it is vital that we understand the underlying cause. Only then, can we work to develop a treatment program that will achieve results in maintaining or restoring your thick, healthy head of hair.

If you would like to explore your hair loss treatment options, contact us today to book an appointment


Healthy Skin From Within

We know how important good nutrition is for our health. As scientists and medical professionals study what food does to and for our bodies, we are becoming increasingly aware that what we eat significantly affect our skin health as well as the overall aging process.

Just remember that whatever you choose to eat will eventually show up in your skin!

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