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Author: Helena Rosengren

Dr Helena Rosengren is the medical director of Skinovation Cosmetic Clinic. She is passionate about using her medical experience and meticulous attention to detail to provide exceptional cosmetic results for her clients.

Say goodbye to unwanted moles

Do you have moles, skin tags or raised blemishes that you wish would just disappear?

You don’t need to put up with pesky spots that catch on your clothing or make you feel self-conscious, because they can be removed without the need for stitches and with little to no scarring.

What is mole ablation?

Mole ablation (also known as Radiofrequency ablation) is an innovative technique for removing innocent but unwanted raised blemishes.

A trained doctor or nurse will begin the procedure by gently numbing the treatment area. Then, they will direct gentle radio waves to the spot using a small metal loop or probe. These radio waves will dissolve the tissue they come into contact with and, with a light feathering technique, smooth out the treatment area for a clean, clear cosmetic result.

After a week or two the treatment area will heal beautifully, leaving you confident and comfortable in your own skin.

How long does mole ablation take to heal?

Mole ablation will leave a small graze, that typically takes a week to heal on the face and two weeks elsewhere.

For optimal cosmetic results, this graze should be kept sealed until it has completely healed over to avoid it drying out and scabbing.

Most of the time, it will be impossible to tell where the original site was. However, on rare occasions the treated area may heal with a depression or slightly different shade from the surrounding skin.

Is mole ablation permanent?

Generally, mole ablation is a one-time treatment that will permanently remove a mole or raised spot.

Occasionally an innocent raised spot can start to grow back. If this occurs, you should return for follow-up assessment. Your doctor may choose to do a biopsy or determine that it is completely safe to perform a second mole ablation treatment.

A word of warning

Unfortunately, skin cancers can come in many guises, and can be difficult to detect with the naked eye.

If there is any suspicion that the spot in question could be skin cancer, it must not be removed.

Instead, your doctor should carry out a detailed skin check using an instrument called a dermatoscope to properly identify the spot and determine a suitable course of treatment.

Sleeping Beauty had the right idea!

They don’t call it “beauty sleep” for nothing, and when Prince Charming happened upon Sleeping Beauty and fell instantly in love, it was probably because her skin was looking radiant thanks to being so well-rested.

Getting seven to eight hours’ sleep regularly really will improve the appearance of your skin.

Research has confirmed that insufficient or poor-quality sleep contributes to more rapid ageing by:

  • Reducing the skin’s elasticity
  • Increasing the appearance of fine lines
  • Causing bags to form under the eyes
  • Stimulating appetite thereby causing weight gain
  • Speeding up the thinning of hair
  • Contributing to acne break outs; and
  • Slowing the healing process for other skin-related issues.

So if seven hours of good quality sleep is the difference between looking like a beautiful princess or a wicked old hag, how can you make sure you’re getting enough?

There are many tips for getting a good night’s sleep.
Some of my favourites include:

  • Set a regular bedtime and stick to it
  • Get plenty of natural sunlight during the day by opening the curtains and having lunch or taking a stroll in the sunshine. This will help keep your body clock (yes, it’s a real thing) healthy, just don’t forget to slip, slop, slap!
  • Avoid blue lights from electronics in the evening. Blue light from televisions, computers and smartphones tricks your body clock into thinking it’s daytime. You can install apps on your phone to block blue light and try to avoid television and computers for at least two hours before your bedtime.
  • Avoid caffeine late in the day. Caffeine in coffee, tea and energy drinks stimulates your nervous system making it hard to relax into sleep. Caffeine can stay elevated in your blood for up to eight hours, so it’s good to avoid it after lunchtime.
  • Optimise your sleeping environment by limiting external noise and light; keeping the temperature at a comfortable level; reducing clutter so your mind can rest; and making sure your bed, pillow and mattress are comfortable.
  • Relax before bed with meditation, massage, a hot bath or shower, quiet reading time or a few deep breaths. These can all help to prepare your mind for rest.
  • Exercise regularly. Some studies have found that exercise can almost halve the time it takes to fall asleep and improve sleep quality by 30 per cent. Just don’t exercise too close to bedtime, or it can have the opposite effect.

Creating a consistent bedtime routine with a combination of these methods will help you get to sleep sooner and ensure your skin lives happily ever after.

But if you need a fairy godmother, remember our friendly team is here to help address any of your skin concerns.

How Do Dermal Fillers Work?

We’ve taken some time to unpack the differences between injectables on our blog. It’s important to make it clear that muscle relaxants and dermal fillers are not interchangeable, as they work very differently to reduce the signs of ageing. The easiest way to distinguish them is by remembering that muscle relaxants work on ‘moving’ lines that appear with facial expressions, while dermal fillers address ‘static lines’ that remain even when our faces are resting.

Read on to understand more about dermal fillers, or click here to read up on muscle relaxants.


What are dermal fillers?

While muscle relaxants address ‘moving’ lines, dermal fillers address the static, more permanent lines that occur as we get older and our skin’s volume naturally begins to decrease.

Dermal fillers can be used in the upper layers of the skin to soften fine lines without changing the contour of the face, or they can be used more deeply to address smile and frown lines, hollowing cheeks and eyes, and to lift the contours of cheeks or jawlines.

What are cosmetic fillers used for? from Skinovation Cosmetic Clinic on Vimeo.

What can dermal fillers be used for?

Dermal Fillers can be used at different depths of the skin to address different concerns.

Deeper fillers can:

  • Fill hollow areas in the cheeks
  • Lift the cheeks and jawline for a more youthful appearance

Medium depth fillers can:

  • Subtly change the contours of your face by filling deep lines, skin folds and hollows.
  • Address frown and smile lines
  • Lift corners of the mouth

More superficial fillers can:

  • Reduce or eliminate fine lines
  • Increase fullness of the lips
  • Fill hollow areas under the eyes

Lip Fillers Before and After Skinovation Townsville
Lip Fillers Before and After

Nasolabial Filler Before and After Skinovation Townsville
Nasolabial Filler Before and After

Do dermal fillers work straight away?

Yes. The effect of dermal fillers can be seen immediately. However, this may sometimes be accompanied by some redness, swelling or bruising for several days after treatment.

How long do dermal fillers last?

Depending on the filler used, the treatment site and the depth of injection, the effects of dermal fillers can last between six and eighteen months.

What side effects can occur with dermal fillers?

It is not uncommon for redness, swelling or bruising to occur around the treatment area. These unwanted effects will subside in a few days.


We always recommend that you speak to a trained medical practitioner before undergoing a cosmetic treatment. A consultation with one of our friendly team members will help determine which treatment is best for you and your skin and help you achieve the natural-looking results you’re after.

The Pros and Cons of Muscle Relaxants

The easiest way to distinguish muscel relaxants form dermal fillers is by remembering that muscle relaxants work on ‘moving’ lines that appear with facial expressions, while dermal fillers address ‘static lines’ that remain even when our faces are resting.

Read on, to understand more about muscle relaxants, or click here to read up on dermal fillers.


Muscle relaxants and what they are used for from Skinovation Cosmetic Clinic on Vimeo.

What are muscle relaxants?

Botulinum A muscle relaxants reduce or stop muscle contraction that occurs with facial expression such as lines on your forehead when you raise your eyebrows, crows’ feet when you smile, or frown lines.
Due to medical advertising laws, I can’t mention Botulinum A products by their common brand names, but it’s highly likely you’re familiar with at least one well-known brand.

What can muscle relaxants be used for?

Botulinum A muscle relaxants can be used to reduce or eliminate the wrinkles and lines that appear as your face naturally moves. Common treatment areas include:

  • The frowning area
    Lines that appear across the forehead when you raise or lower your eyebrows
  • Crows’ feet
    The creases that appear around the eyes when you smile
  • Bunny lines on the nose
    These often appear when smiling
  • Down turning of the corners mouth
    These occur naturally as you age.
  • Strap muscles in the neck
    These can be very marked in certain facial expressions with some women.

Reducing frown lines with muscle relaxants
Before and after muscle relaxants were used to treat frown lines at Skinovation Cosmetic Clinic Townsville

What can’t muscle relaxants be used for?

Botulinum A will not work on lines that you see when the face is at rest.

For example, if you have deep lines in the frown area, these will not disappear with a muscle relaxant, although the muscle relaxant will prevent the deepening of those lines when you try to frown.

Do muscle relaxants work straight away?

No. You will not see any visible difference immediately after your Botulinum A injection. It typically takes one to four days to notice any difference in the strength of your muscles; and up to two weeks for the full effect to be seen.  This gradual effect means the people around you, even your partner, will not tend to notice that you’ve “had work done”.

How long do muscle relaxants last?

Typically, the effects of muscle relaxants last for around three months.

Some lucky people will get six to eight months from a single treatment; and on a rare occasion someone may find the effects wear off in six to eight weeks, especially if they have a high metabolism or lead a highly active lifestyle.

What side effects can occur with muscle relaxants?

It is possible to bruise around the treatment area following Botulinum A.


We always recommend that you speak to a trained medical practitioner before undergoing a cosmetic treatment. A consultation with one of our friendly team members will help determine which treatment is best for you and your skin and help you achieve the natural-looking results you’re after.


Radically improve the effectiveness of your daily skin care routine

Sometimes advances in medical technology can sound like they’re lifted straight out of a science fiction film.

Cold plasma is definitely one of them!

If I told you that by artificially generating plasma – which makes up 99% of all matter in the Universe, but doesn’t occur naturally here on Earth – we could cleanse your skin, stimulate collagen generation and enhance your treatment results; you’d probably raise your eyebrows. It’s a tricky concept to wrap the brain around, but we’ve certainly seen the results for ourselves.

Introducing Plabeau, cold plasma treatment from Dr Helena Rosengren on Vimeo.

What is Cold Plasma used for?

Cold Plasma, delivered using the Australian-first Plabeau device, has been found to aid in the treatment of:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Irritated skin
  • Dry skin; and
  • Acne-prone skin

How does the Plabeau Plasma Device work?

Plabeau uses non-invasive, cool and painless plasma technology to breakdown air particles into active plasma particles at a rate of 1 billion ions per second.

This accelerates the activity of those particles, thereby improving the efficiency of skin care products and accelerating the skin’s natural regeneration processes.

Cold Plasma improves treatments for dry, irritated and ageing skin in six ways:

  1. Enhancing absorption of skin care products by more than 40%
    Studies show a 41% increase in absorption of active ingredients after 10 minutes of using the Plabeau device
  2. Boosting collagen production to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by 26% over 6 weeks
    Plasma ions activate the skin’s fibroblasts, which get to work synthesising collegen and elastin for firmer, stronger skin. This also encourages blood circulation and the formation of new blood vessels, which increases the supply of nutrients to the skin.
  3. Refining pores and skin texture
    With improved elasticity comes smaller looking pores and smoother skin texture.
  4. Soothing inflammation caused by atopic dermatitis, acne and other minor skin irritations
  5. Hydrating skin for increased plumpness and luminosity
    Hydrated skin increases the penetration of serums and the uptake of water for improves skin appearance.
  6. Removing harmful bacteria that cause acne and irritation


Medical-grade Cold Plasma Treatment can now be added to your treatments at Skinovation Cosmetic Clinic to enhance your desired results. If you’d like more information about this incredible new technology, we’d be happy to answer all of your questions. Contact us for a consultation today.

Chemical peels are better than they used to be

Have you considered a chemical peel recently?

Chemical peels are not what they used to be – they’re much better!

In the early days of chemical peels, we had to resign ourselves to painful, exposed skin; a red-raw complexion; and considerable downtime before enjoying the desired fresh, healthy glow.

It meant that the treatments quickly lost their early popularity as we all moved onto alternatives that were more conducive to a busy lifestyle.

But now, chemical peels are back in a much improved, modern manner that helps to hydrate, smooth and rejuvenate your skin without the downtime!

How have peels changed?

Thanks to cutting edge skincare technology chemical peels are re-emerging as a popular anti-ageing treatment.

While the chemical peels of yesteryear aimed to strip back the top layers of your skin to expose the brand new skin underneath; we now focus on infusing the skin with nourishing ingredients, stimulating new collagen production, and encouraging healthy skin cell growth instead.

These days, a galvanic peel is a relaxing skin treatment that can:

  • reduce fine lines
  • improve skin tone
  • even out skin colouring; and
  • deliver a radiant complexion.

We find a series of peels, interspersed with a galvanic infusion of progressive skincare products is a wonderful way to achieve optimal results.

Find out how chemical peels could improve your skin from Skinovation Cosmetic Clinic on Vimeo.

What is galvanic infusion?
Galvanic infusion gently drives a selection of progressive skincare products deep into your skin; markedly hydrating, softening and plumping the skin for a healthy glow. With the application of the right serums, it can also reduce unwanted pigmentation.

Advanced skin care from Skinovation Cosmetic Clinic on Vimeo.

So how do peels and galvanic infusion work together?

When combining chemicals peels and galvanic infusion, we use an alternating regime of a chemical peel in the first week, followed by galvanic infusion the second. In week three, we return to a chemical peel with a slightly stronger formulation, followed by galvanic infusion again the next week, and so on.

We find that three peel and galvanic infusion cycles are especially effective (that’s a total of six treatments over six weeks).

What sort of recovery time should you expect?

Any redness or peeling following a peel or infusion treatment tends to be minimal and a special healing mineral make-up can be applied straight after the treatment allowing you to go about your day as if nothing has been done.

If you think these skin treatments sound right for you, contact us today to book a galvanic infusion cycle and see the difference!

What can I do about sagging eyelids?

We’ve all stood in front of the bathroom mirror, noticed sagging folds of skin on the upper eyelids that didn’t used to be there and searched longingly for a glimpse of our more youthful selves.

Often it’s our tired eyes that make us look older than we feel. And that seems so unfair, doesn’t it?!

With that in mind, I’m very excited to announce that we’ve recently welcomed a new non-surgical treatment to Skinovation Cosmetic Clinic that can help ‘lift’ droopy skin and reduce the appearance of deep lines and wrinkles. Read more about the Jett Plasma treatment and book a consultation here.

So how can you reverse sagging eye areas for a younger, fresher appearance?

Eye compresses made from teabags or cucumbers
Cucumbers and chamomile tea are both high in anti-inflammatory properties that, when applied cold to the eyelids for 15-20 minutes can provide a pleasant cool down and a small, short-lived freshen up.

Drink plenty of water
When your skin is well-hydrated, it appears plumper and clear of toxins, thereby reducing the appearance of fine lines and blemishes. Read our blog post about the importance of hydration here.

Avoid sun damage
Exposure to the sun – even in short bursts like going to the letterbox – does damage to your skin. Protect your sensitive eye areas by avoiding unnecessary sun exposure, and wearing a hat and UV-rated sunglasses whenever you are outside.

Get a good night’s sleep
It sounds obvious, but that’s for a reason! Lack of sleep can cause the blood vessels under your eyes to dilate and fluids to leak out under the skin causing dark circles, puffiness and swelling.

Invest in a good eye cream
Dehydration is a major cause of wrinkles and, with the skin under the eyes the thinnest and most sensitive on our faces, it’s important we nourish it regularly. A good anti-ageing eye cream will hydrate the eye area. Depending on their active ingredients, others may boost cell turn-over, strengthen skin, or have a plumping effect that can slow the signs of ageing.

Consider non-surgical rejuvenation treatments
At Skinovation Cosmetic Clinic, we have a range of non-surgical treatments that can help you to achieve younger, fresher looking skin around the eyes. Jett Plasma, thread lifts, dermal fillers and rejuvenation treatments are potential options.

If you would like to know more, contact us for a consultation on 07 4775 5664.

Get Glowing Skin with a Few Glasses of Water

Nobody likes dry skin.

It can accentuate the appearance of pores and wrinkles, create breakouts as it tries to correct itself, and is downright uncomfortable. Dry skin is often more prevalent in winter when dry winds lash our faces and we’re less inclined to drink water to cool ourselves down.

However, maintaining a water intake of 8 to 10 glasses per day is vital to maintaining healthy glowing skin.

How does water intake contribute to beautiful skin?

  • Water increases blood flow through the skin to provide a healthy glow and nourish skin with nutrients essential for repair.
  • By hydrating the skin, water promotes a plumper appearance that helps camouflage pores and wrinkles
  • Water flushes the body of harmful toxins that can accelerate the signs of ageing

To get the best results from your 8 to 10 glasses of water each day, it’s best to spread your water intake out so that it has time to slowly infiltrate your skin. Otherwise, you’ll find yourself running to the bathroom and losing all that hydration straight through your bladder.

How can I increase my water consumption?

  • Start and finish your day with a glass of water.
    Make it the first thing you do when you get out of bed and the last thing you do before you get back in.
  • Have a glass of water with every meal.
    This will also help in reducing portion sizes because we often think we’re hungry when our body is actually feeling dehydrated
  • Carry a water bottle with you wherever you go.
    You’ll be amazed at how easy it is to drink more water simply by having it within arms’ reach.
  • Mix it up with a bit of natural flavour.
    Adding a slice of lemon, some fresh berries or a few mint leaves can help make water more exciting.
  • Get into herbal teas
    Hot water is just as hydrating as cold water, so why not swap your morning coffee or end of day wine for a relaxing and hydrating herbal tea?
  • Keep track of your intake.
    Whether you download an app or draw a diagram on the bottom of your to-do list, keeping track of how many glasses you’ve had can be a great reminder to keep drinking water.

If you consistently drink 8 to 10 glasses of water per day (at least 2 litres), you’re sure to see healthier more glowing skin in no time.

And remember, if your skin needs a pick-me-up our wonderful team is here to help! Our range of skin rejuvenation treatments can make an immediate improvement to dry, tired skin.

Foods that cause acne

Four Dietary Changes that Can Help Reduce Acne

You don’t have to put up with acne and acne scarring.

Often people are told ‘you’ll grow out of it’, only to find their acne and the scars it has caused last long into adulthood.

Acne and acne scarring can have a significant negative impact on self-confidence that reaches into every aspect of a person’s life. It can discourage us from applying for job interviews, affect our self-confidence in the dating world and keep us from putting ourselves forward for amazing opportunities.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

While there is no immediate cure, active acne and acne scarring can both be treated with scientifically proven methods such as medical-grade peels, medical micro needling or fractional laser to restore smooth, blemish-free skin and self-confidence.

On top of this, many little things we do from day to day can help to reduce break-outs, especially when it comes to making some simple dietary changes.


1. Reducing Carbs

Modern research has shown that a low carbohydrate diet is beneficial for acne-prone skin. This means it is important to reduce your refined carbohydrate intake if you are prone to acne.  Some of the main carbohydrate offenders include bread, pasta, cereals and potato. Minimising your intake of these can help clear up your skin quickly.

2. Replacing sugary snacks

Replacing high sugary foods such as chocolate, lollies, biscuits, cakes and other refined carbohydrate like packeted chips with more nutritional snacks such as a handful of strawberries, a delicious apple, or carrot sticks can significantly reduce acne in a few short weeks.

3. Swapping out sugary drinks
Sweet or fizzy drinks like soft drinks and fruit drinks, as well as adding sugar to your tea and coffee can make acne worse. Try skipping the sugar in your coffee, drinking herbal teas instead, or simply sticking to water. If you find you really need a burst of flavour, a squeeze of lemon or lime can be a refreshing twist.

4. Reducing or cutting out dairy products

While we don’t know the exact reason, researchers agree that cows’ milk can contribute to acne break-outs. It may be the hormones in milk, or the naturally occuring lactose that contributes to break-outs. If you consume a lot of milk, cheese, yoghurt and other dairy products and experience acne, finding dairy-free alternatives could help clear up your skin within a few weeks. There are many dairy-free products available in supermarkets and health stores including almond milk, coconut milk, coconut yoghurt (often called coyo) and even dairy free chocolate.


Overcoming stubborn acne
If you’ve tried dietary changes and over-the-counter acne cleansers, but your acne persists, a visit to a medical doctor with an interest in acne treatment may be helpful as they can prescribe more effective medical treatments tailored to your needs.

At Skinovation, we recommend a range of Doctor-only treatments for stubborn active acne, including:

  • Medicated cleansers and scrubs
  • Therapeutic chemical peels
  • Transdermal infusions
  • Blue light therapy

If you’re ready to stop acne and acne scarring once and for all, we can design a custom treatment plan for you. To book, call our clinic on (07) 4775 5664.

Treating Hair Loss

Is your hair thinning?

As we age, we often find our hair no longer looks or feels as full and healthy as it used to.

It’s not uncommon for the part to widen; your scalp to be more visible; and to find more broken hair in your hairbrush, on the bathroom floor and in your shower drain.

It can be devastating to notice that your once luscious locks are becoming a little lacklustre.

But the good news is that, most of the time, it is possible to encourage the return of thicker, stronger hair. The trick is beginning treatment as early as possible to get the best result.


When you’re ready to start taking action against your hair loss and book an appointment with me, we will begin by completing a scalp examination and a few blood tests. The results of these will help me to make the best recommendations for your specific needs.

Often, my treatment plans will use a combination of products and technology, which may include:

Specially-formulated hair loss supplements
Hair loss can be caused by poor nutrition or a lack of necessary vitamins and minerals. Supplements formulated specifically with healthy hair in mind, can aid in hair loss treatments.

Follicle stimulating shampoos and serums
We recommend a number of products that can be applied topically, in the form of shampoos or serums, to encourage growth, strengthen hair, and reduce breakage and shedding.

Platelet rich plasma (PRP) which regenerate tissue and hair follicles
We have been using platelet rich plasma (PRP) for skin rejuvenation for some time and are now also using it for hair loss.

The treatment involves taking a small sample of blood that is then spun down to separate the platelets from the rest of the blood to create a serum.

Platelets have been scientifically shown to regenerate whatever tissue they come into contact with and rollering in a serum rich in your own platelets can help to regenerate healthy hair follicles that will produce thicker stronger hairs.

Three or more treatments 2 months apart are usually recommended for optimal outcome.

A red-light laser cap proven to increase hair growth.
Red light treatment has also been scientifically proven to increase hair growth if used regularly. It works be increasing blood flow to your scalp, which in turn accelerates hair growth.

Regular, long-term use of red light caps at home can have a significant positive impact on hair loss.


While it can be hard to admit that hair loss is happening to you, the best way to stop (or at the very least, slow) it in its tracks is to do something about it as early as possible.

If you would like to explore your hair loss treatment options, contact us today to book an appointment


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