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Author: Helena Rosengren

Dr Helena Rosengren is the medical director of Skinovation Cosmetic Clinic. She is passionate about using her medical experience and meticulous attention to detail to provide exceptional cosmetic results for her clients.

Serums and Dermal Rollers – The Ultimate Age-Fighting Duo

Batman and Robin.
Wine and Cheese
Coffee and a great book.

There is no denying some things are just better in pairs; and when it comes to skin care there is no better duo than an anti-ageing serum and a dermal roller.

How do anti-ageing serums work?

Unlike creams or lotions, serums are highly-concentrated products rich in active ingredients – typically Vitamin A, B and C – and containing fewer ‘filler’ ingredients. Serums have been clinically proven to reduce pigmentation and fine lines, firm the skin, maximise skin health and ultimately slow down the ageing process. This means they are highly effective at delivering a knock-out punch to some of your skin’s greatest nemeses including dryness, fine lines, acne scarring, pigmentation and large pores.

How do I incorporate a serum into my existing skin care regimen?

Serums work best when added to your existing skin care routine, which may already include cleansing and moisturising. This one extra step is most definitely worth the effort, especially if you are over the age of 40 and starting to notice the tell-tale signs of ageing skin. For best results, apply your serum immediately after cleansing to warm, slightly moist skin. You can then proceed with moisturiser, sunscreen and finally make-up as you usually would.

Do skin care products containing serums really work? from Skinovation Cosmetic Clinic on Vimeo.

What are the benefits of using a dermal roller?

Dermal rollers are an easy to use, at-home skin microneedling tool. Their heads contain hundreds of tiny 0.25mm pin heads which, when run gently over the face create microscopic holes or channels in the skin. The benefits of this action are two-fold: firstly, the microneedling stimulates the skin’s healing process, encouraging plumping, tightening and thickening; secondly, the channels allow skin care products, like serums, to penetrate more deeply into the skin.

So how do serums and dermal rollers work together to fight ageing?

Dermal rollers have been found to improve the effectiveness of serums and moisturisers by up to 40% because they enable active ingredients in skin care products to reach beyond the superficial layers of the skin and deep into where they can do the most good. When added to the natural Collagen and Elastin boosting effects of dermal rolling, this can improve the appearance of uneven skin tone, acne scarring, fine lines and wrinkles.


If you’re interested in adding this dynamic age-fighting duo to your skincare regime, you can find the Rejuvaderm Home Infusion Roller and a selection of high-quality serums in the Skinovation Cosmetic Clinic or in our online store. We’d be happy to recommend the best products for you.

3 Tips for Reducing Downtime After a Cosmetic Procedure

Cosmetic Treatments can help you feel like your most confident self. However, more complex procedures such as platelet rich plasma, threads and fillers, can require a little downtime before you’ll look your absolute best.

Bruising is common after some cosmetic treatments, especially if they involve the eye, lip or neck areas.  These are our top 3 tips for reducing downtime associated with cosmetic treatments:

1. Tell your treating doctor what medications or supplements you’re taking

Some prescription and treatments and non-prescription supplements can increase your likelihood of bruising.  These include simple remedies suxh as:

  • Vitamin E
  • Omega 3
  • Horse radish
  • St John’s Wort; and
  • Gingko biloba

It may be best to stop taking these 10 days prior to a cosmetic procedure but we would recommend speaking to your treating doctor also for individual advice.

2. Be proactive in preventing bruising

Some people have found the homeopathic remedy Arnica useful in reducing swelling and bruising, if taken a few days before and after their treatment.

3.  Actively treat established bruising

After your procedure, hirudoid cream may help any established bruising to resolve more quickly. As soon as you suspect that you have bruised following a cosmetic treatment, begin applying hirudoid cream to affected areas every eight to 12 hours.

Additinally, please plan ahead and allow at least 10 days between your treatment and any special event to ensure you will look your best.


Does Extra Screen-Time Affect Your Skin?

Our lifestyles have changed a lot in the past few months and it’s likely that you’re spending more time in front of the computer screen, television and phone than ever before.

It’s wonderful that our devices can keep us so well connected but could all this extra screen time be taking a toll on your skin?

You’ve probably heard about Blue Light – which is emitted by the display screens on televisions, computers and smart devices – and how it can impact your eye health. Studies have found that blue light is a definite contributor to digital eye strain and may even increase your risk of developing macular degeneration. These findings have led to blue light filters and specialised computer glasses to help counter the impact of blue light on our eyes.

Now, researchers are starting to look at whether blue light exposure impacts our skin, and a small body of studies is starting to suggest that it may indeed accelerate the ageing process.


How Blue Light indirectly impacts the skin:

We can confidently say that blue light exposure indirectly impacts the skin’s innate hydrating and healing functions by disrupting the body’s natural circadian rhythm. This change to the rhythm has been proven to impact the quality of our sleep, which is vital to helping skin heal and repair itself. If you’re not getting enough sleep, your skin is sure to look drier, duller and less firm; so switch off those devices at least an hour before bed.

How blue light might directly impact the skin:

Recent studies have shown that exposing our skin cells to the light emitted by electronic devices – even for as little as one hour – can generate an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants. This imbalance is suspected to cause damage to our skin’s proteins and may even cause cell death, which impacts our skin health. Furthermore, blue light seems to accelerate apoptosis – or the natural death of skin cells – and necrosis – the premature death of skin cells. You can imagine that if we’re experiencing a much higher rate of skin cell death; and reducing our sleep quality, which is vital to our skin’s natural ability to repair itself, we’re going to see a definite impact on our skin’s appearance.

So how can you counter the impact of screen time on your skin?

The obvious first step is to reduce your exposure to light from electronic devices, particularly at night when it is most disruptive to your circadian rhythm. Try turning off the TV and putting down the phone an hour before bedtime and consider turning off some of your social media notifications so you don’t feel compelled to look at your phone every 10 minutes.

High quality skin care products and targeted skin treatments that increase collagen and healthy cell generation are also incredibly important. The best way to determine the right products and treatment for you are to speak to a skin care professional.

You can browse our treatment menu here; or book in with our friendly team for a one-on-one consultation to get started.


5 Self-Care Rituals for a Quick Confidence Boost

At Skinovation Cosmetic Clinic, everything we do is underlined by our mission to help the women in our community be the best versions of themselves.

We believe true self-confidence requires inner and outer self-care in tandem; and that it is an ongoing journey that takes lots of practice and constant maintenance.

Here are some of our favourite self-care rituals, that can give you a quick confidence boost when you are in need of a pick-me-up.

Pamper yourself in a DIY spa

The occasional (or regular!) girl’s night in is great for the soul. Why not spoil yourself rotten by setting up your own home spa and having a good pamper? You can do this any way you like, but we recommend:

  • Soaking in a nice warm bath
  • Lighting some luxurious candles
  • Nourishing your skin with quality skincare products – all of our favourites are available in our online shop
  • Listening to some relaxing music
  • Treating yourself to something decadent – strawberries and champagne, perhaps?; and
  • Focusing a few hours on your own happiness and relaxation

Have a kitchen dance party

Make yourself a playlist of all your favourite dance tunes and then put it to use. Dancing is not only great cardiovascular and strengthening exercise; but it also releases endorphins, the feel-good chemical responsible for helping to lift your mood. A couple of tracks in and you’re sure to be smiling from ear to ear.

Write a letter to your younger self

It can be easy to lose sight of all the wonderful things you’ve already achieved, especially if you’re continuously chasing big goals. Think back to a time when you dreamed of having everything you have now and write your past self a letter encouraging them not to give up. As you look back on how far you have come, you’ll realise that you’re pretty incredible.

Treat yourself

If you’re not feeling confident in your skin for whatever reason, do something about it. Whether you have acne, scarring, moles that make you self-conscious, or if your skin’s just not feeling it’s best, we can help you with your concerns.  Often a single treatment, or small series of treatments, can result in a noticeable cosmetic outcome that will help you feel like the very best version of yourself.

Browse our treatment menu here.

Do something you know you’re great at

Returning to something you excel at can be an inspiring reminder of how accomplished you are. Whether it’s playing the keyboard, hitting the tennis court, breaking out the sketch pad, or cooking up a storm – doing tasks you know you’re good at, can help boost your confidence to tackle other activities that may be more challenging for you.


Isolation Skin – It’s a Real Thing!

In theory, you would expect self-isolation measures to lead to some of the cleanest, clearest skin you’ve ever had.

After all, many of us are taking an extended break from heavy make-up, outdoor pollutants and damaging UV rays as we spend more time at home. However, in reality, we’re seeing lots of our friends and clients reporting terrible skin woes in the last few weeks – acne breakouts, dry skin, dullness, redness and pigmentation have all made unwelcome appearances for many people we’ve been speaking with.

Why is Isolation Skin a real thing?

We’re all going through changes at the moment as we adapt to rapidly evolving isolation measures while trying to keep some semblance of routine in our daily lives. The move to working at home or significantly adapting procedures in your workplace can have a number of impacts on your body that will show up on your skin, including:

  • Stress
  • Fatigue
  • Change in diet
  • Lack of exercise

It’s likely that all of these day-to-day activities have been interrupted in recent weeks; but they all play a vital role in the health and condition of our skin.

How can I manage Isolation Skin?

Maintaining some kind of routine – both in your daily schedule and in your skin care regimen – will help to minimise the impacts of isolation and stress on your skin.

Some important tips include:

  • Try to get your beauty sleep.
    While stress and uncertainty can lead to many sleepless nights, the tips on our blog post here, may help you to increase your rest.
  • Be mindful of what you’re eating
    If you find yourself suddenly able to visit the fridge eight times a day, you may be snacking more and filling up on foods that can wreak havoc with your skin. Read how diet contributes to healthy skin here.
  • Make the most of outdoor exercise
    With outdoor exercise one of the few reasons we’re allowed to leave our homes right now, taking a run, walk or cycle can be a great stress reliever. Exercise also increases blood flow to the skin which helps to reduce inflammation, while sweat can help to remove toxins in the skin.
  • Use simple, but powerful skin care products
    You may be tempted to slap on every skincare product available now that you have some spare time to pamper yourself. While this move is well-intentioned, it can exacerbate issues while your skin is trying to adapt under pressure. We recommend sticking with a simple, regular routine using products selected to specifically to address your unique skin concerns.

While Skinovation Cosmetic Clinic is currently closed, we’ve made all our favourite skin care ranges available through our sister clinic, Skin Repair Skin Cancer Clinic. If you’re not sure which products are right for you our wonderful cosmetic nurse Lyndie is all too happy to have a remote consultation via phone or video chat, to help you find a suitable solution and show you how to maximise results.


Just like the current pandemic, Isolation Skin won’t last forever, but a few simple measures can help you emerge on the other side more quickly.

The Power of Increasing Peels

Peels can be quite effective for all sorts of skin problems.  Some peels are specifically designed to reduce pigmentation or active acne where others have a plumping, hydrating effect reducing the visible signs of aging.  Additionally, stronger peels can be used selectively for acne scars or deeper lines helping to smooth the skin surface.

A new approach to peels

At Skinovation Cosmetic Clinic we’ve developed a series of peels that increase in strength over time to improve healthy skin turn-over and promote younger, plumper looking skin.

This practice takes full advantage of the minimal downtime of peels, which is typically 1-2 days of redness, though can extend to 5-7 days of redness and peeling for sensitive skin or those using a high strength peel.

How does this Increasing Peel Program work?:

Using multiple skin peels, gradually increasing the concentration of active ingredients, at weekly to fortnightly intervals will markedly improve the skin texture, luminosity and softness of the skin and can be targeted to improve pigmentation, active acne, and lined tired looking skin and scars.

What is the program?

Week 1                 Enzyme peel
Week 2                 20% lactic acid peel
Week 3                 30% lactic acid peel
Week 4                 40% lactic acid peel
Week 5                 Tetra acid 50 peel
Week 6                 Recovery week for expected peeling and skin rejuvenation
Week 7                 Jessner Peel


We’ve seen excellent results for our patients, who have completed this series of peels looking fresh-faced and feeling confident.

If you’d like to learn how this series of peels could work for you, be sure to book in for a consultation with our wonderful team.

Be more beautiful every day, naturally.

Many of us aspire to look our best every day and the good news is that natural beauty is something that can be cultivated simply by taking good care of ourselves and making some positive lifestyle choices.

Promoting smooth, radiant skin is one way to make a big difference to your overall appearance. The skin is, after all, our body’s largest organ and the first thing most people will see.

Here are six good habits to foster, if you would like to up your natural beauty factor.


1. Keep your skin well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water

Increasing your water intake helps to hydrate and plump your skin, in turn reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and large pores. Drinking plenty of water also improves blood flow, which can help give your skin a healthy glow and helps to flush away harmful toxins. Ideally, we should aim to be drinking 8 to 10 glasses of throughout the day. Find out how to drink more water here.

2. Get plenty of beauty sleep

It’s no myth that getting seven to eight hours of sleep each night can help us look our best. Research has confirmed that insufficient or poor quality sleep leads to reduced skin elasticity, more fine lines and bags under the eyes, weight gain, thinning hair, and breakouts. We’ve written some tips for getting more beauty sleep here.

3. Protect your skin by applying sunscreen every morning and throughout the day

Sunscreen doesn’t just help to protect you from skin cancer, but can also slow down the ageing process by preventing and reducing pigmentation, fine lines and sun damage. Sunscreen is also believed to help maximise the skin’s own healing mechanisms, thereby helping to reverse existing sun damage. Be sure to slip, slop, slap every morning and at regular intervals throughout the day.

4. Nourish your skin with a healthy diet

What you eat is extremely important for your skin. The best diet for achieving a healthy, radiant glow is one rich in red, green and yellow vegetables as well as foods that are packed with plenty of omega 3 fatty acids such as salmon, chia seeds, flaxseed and walnuts. Read about four dietary changes that can help reduce acne here.

5. Pamper yourself with a rejuvenation treatment regularly.

Just like servicing your car or tending to your garden, maintaining beautiful skin requires some upkeep and TLC. Booking yourself in for a regular rejuvenation treatment will help you to look and feel your best. Our cutting-edge treatments can assist with common skin concerns such as sun damaged skin, unwanted pigmentation and freckles, poor skin tone, fine lines and wrinkles, dehydrated skin, reduced elasticity, scarring and small facial veins.

The best way to determine the rejuvenation treatment that’s right for you, is to book in with our friendly team for a consultation


These small daily habits can make a huge difference to your appearance; especially when used in combination with good quality skin care products and the occasional pampering.

5 New Year’s Resolutions for Beautiful Skin

For many of us, a brand new year – and a shiny new decade – brings the promise of new opportunities, fresh optimism and a good kick of motivation to grow and improve in the coming months.

Health, wellbeing and self-care are often top priorities for people who like to set New Year’s resolutions and, when it comes to looking after our skin, establishing a few good habits can make all the difference between success and a quickly abandoned goal.

Here are five simple habits you might like to adopt in 2020, if achieving beautiful skin is on your list of resolutions.

1. Make sunscreen part of your morning routine

Sunscreen doesn’t just prevent sun damage and skin cancer, it’s also one of our most powerful defences against early ageing. In Australia, it’s recommended that we apply an approved sunscreen with an SPF30 or higher as part of our morning routine even if we work indoors. If you wear makeup, sunscreen should be applied after your moisturiser, and before your foundation. There are now some wonderful facial sunscreens available that have been developed specifically with make-up in mind that act as a primer.

A couple of extra seconds adding sunscreen to your morning routine will make years of difference to your face, neck, décolletage and hands by the time we enter the next decade.

2. Invest in good quality skin care products

Good quality skin care products will not only clean the day-to-day grime from your skin that can cause breakouts and a lacklustre appearance, but also help to slow down the appearance of ageing skin by helping it to appear smoother, plumper and more supple. By improving your skin’s texture with good quality skin care products you’ll likely find yourself using less make-up, which can help to balance out costs in the long run.

We’re proud to stock a number of great brands that we know and trust, and would be happy to recommend some based on your skin’s unique requirements.


3. Keep your skin well-hydrated

Dry skin can accentuate the appearance of pores and wrinkles, create break-outs and be downright uncomfortable. But the good news is that maintaining a high intake of water – about 8 to 10 glasses per day – can go a long way toward combatting dehydrated skin. Finding ways to sneak in an extra glass of water or two throughout the day can be easy once you start thinking about it, but we’ve written a handy blog post here to get you started.

Other easy ways to keep your skin hydrated include applying sunscreen in the morning and throughout the day, applying moisturiser in the morning and at night, and protecting your skin from too much sun exposure.

4. Have a proper skin check

Australia leads the world in deaths from skin cancer. However, in almost every case, early detection and simple treatment can result in total removal of skin cancer. If you have moles or skin spots that are painful, uncomfortable or changing in size, colour or shape, booking in with an accredited skin care specialist as soon as possible to rule out skin cancer is advisable. Our sister clinic, Skin Repair Skin Cancer Clinic is dedicated to reducing the burden of skin cancer in North Queensland.

Read more about the importance of skin checks here.

5. Pamper yourself with a rejuvenation treatment regularly.

Just like servicing your car or tending to your garden, maintaining beautiful skin requires some upkeep and TLC. Booking yourself in for a regular rejuvenation treatment will help you to look and feel your best. Our cutting-edge treatments can assist with common skin concerns such as sun damaged skin, unwanted pigmentation and freckles, poor skin tone, fine lines and wrinkles, dehydrated skin, reduced elasticity, scarring and small facial veins.

The best way to determine the rejuvenation treatment that’s right for you, is to book in with our friendly team for a consultation


These simple strategies are a great way to kick your fresh new decade off with fresh, beautiful skin.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns about your skin, our friendly team would love to help you.

Win Beautiful Skin This Christmas

With Christmas fast approaching, we are excited to offer you the chance to win our favourite home skin care regime when you invest in a reviving enzyme peel for yourself or a loved one.

All of our staff use and love the Synergie Skin care regime, because we’ve been rewarded with visibly clearer and smoother skin.

Synergie Skin Care Pack

The Prize

Containing three essential luxurious serums, a gentle pH balanced cleanser and a daily broad-spectrum UV protective moisturiser this Synergie Skin Care Kit, valued at $104, is the perfect gift for your skin.

How to Enter

All you need do is book a revitalising enzyme peel valued at $150 (now only $129) for your chance to take home this award-winning skin care kit. 

What is an Enzyme Peel?

With immediate results, an enzyme peel will gently remove dull surface cells to reveal younger, plumper skin. Achieve naturally more beautiful skin without any redness in as little as 30 minutes.

Book online, in person or by calling us on 4775 5664

Terms and Conditions
Book a revitalising Enzyme Peel at Skinovation Cosmetic Clinic between 10 December 2019 and 31 December 2019 to go in the draw. All new and existing clients will be eligible to win. The winner will be chosen by random chance draw and notified by phone on Thursday, 2 January 2020. The winner will be announced on Facebook on Friday, 3 January 2020. If the winner is unable to be contacted within 7 days, a runner-up will be drawn. The prize is one (1) Synergie Skin Care Kit valued at $104. The prize is not transferrable or redeemable for cash.

How to counter sagging jowls

The development of sagging jowls is an unfortunate part of ageing that few of us can escape.

As our skin becomes less elastic with age, it’s only natural that our chin and neck should begin to droop. However, this may be countered with a procedure called a thread lift.

What is a Thread Lift?

Thread Lifts are an effective, minimally invasive and safe way to achieve a natural-looking mini facelift. Through elevating and suspending skin tissue, they can restore the youthful appearance of a lifted face and neck.

Thread lift results
Before and after thread lift

How Does a Thread Lift Work?

A thread lift works by gently inserting soft, finely barbed threads to subtly but visibly lift the treatment area – commonly the jowls, neck or face. Most modern thread lifts employ dissolvable threads, which absorb steadily over several months. As this happens, the body creates natural tissue that permanently suspends the skin in place, while also improving firmness, colour, tone, and texture.

How Long Does a Thread Lift Take?

Typically, a thread lift procedure takes between 60 to 90 minutes, depending on the number of threads required. No general anaesthetic is required, and you can return home straight away.

How Long Does Recovery Take?

Unlike conventional facelifts, there is no removal of skin involved in a thread lift. This means the procedure does not leave scars, although most patients will experience some mild redness, soreness or swelling.

Some after-procedure care is essential, including taking 1-2 weeks off strenuous activities such as exercise, sleeping semi-upright for a few weeks and, in the case of neck threads, wearing a supportive brace for the initial weeks.

How Can I Get the Best Results From a Thread Lift?

Since thread lifts are minimally invasive, it’s possible to combine them with other nonsurgical treatments to maximise cosmetic outcomes.

Some people may choose to add dermal fillers or muscle relaxants to their treatment plan. Another popular alternative is to team a thread lift with a form of skin rejuvenation therapy, such as medical microneedling or peels to hydrate, lift and firm skin.

If you would like to know more, you can book in for a consult with Dr Helena Rosengren through the link below, or call the friendly team at Skinovation on 07 4775 5664.

© Skinovation. All rights reserved.